Facilitates the distribution of webcomponents
You will add the build files to the exports property inside the package.json.
default wrappers, modifies the output directory for the files generated by
Of all the exported files, it will associate the one censored with the name of the file as the main one for the export of the package.json. Main file does not require extension or path
Generate a temporary package.tmp.json, to share in case of bugs
Associate the use of watch with esbuild, ignoring the type parsing and exports.
Atomico allows distributing webcomponnets with extended react support, automatically creating wrappers for each component and import paths for react.
For this to be possible you must follow the following rules.
The result of this process will be:
The association of exports for React inside the package.json
The creation of the files of use for React, if the component is created with Atomico adds support to types.
@atomico/exports aims to be the solution to facilitate the construction of the metadata in your package.json necessary for publishing on NPM or at the monorepo level with workspaces.
Atomico export is a solution that parses the output of compilers like vite, esbuild, typescript, rollup or other bundle tool.
Atomico export is also compatible with uncompiled code (standard Javascript).
Make your package look elegant when imported by other applications, example:
2. Create wrappers for React/Preact/Vue of webcomponents created with Atomico
is distributed as ESM, so your package.json
must define the property "type":"module"
for its use.