useAsync and useSuspense

suspend the execution of a render until the resolution of an asynchronous process


with a similar approach to React's use hook, but with scope approach.

scope approach? yes, this hook seeks to resolve a promise from a callback return, this allows you to regenerate the promise according to the scope, example:

import { useAsync } from "atomico";

const getUser = (userId) => fetch(`users/${userId}`).then((res) => res.json());

function component({ userId }) {
  const user = useAsync(getUser, [userId]);
  return (
      <h1>name: {}</h1>

component.props = { userId: Number }


  • getUser: async callback.

  • [ userId ]: arguments that if changed regenerate the promise.

  • user : promise return

Like useEffect, the promise will be executed every time the arguments to the second parameter of useAsync change.

Rendering will be suspended until the promise is resolved or rejected, the resolution of the promises can be observed with useSuspense


allows to listen to all useAsync executions nested in the component, example:

function component() {
  const status = useSuspense();
  return (
    <host shadowDom>
      {status.pending ? "Loading..." : status.fulfilled ? "Done!" : "Error!"}~
      <slot />

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