
Improves the generation of stories in Storybook.

This package has 2 main objectives:

  1. Render as stories webcomponents created with Atomico using JSX/TSX within Storybook

  2. Facilitate and automate the generation of stories.

Render as stories webcomponents created with Atomico using JSX/TSX within Storybook.

@atomico/storybook has a decorator that allows Storybook to render the JSX/TSX of webcomponents created with Atomico.


The following configuration can be added per story or in the .storybook/preview.js file:

import { decorator } from "@atomico/storybook";

export const decorators = [decorator()];

Facilitate and automate the generation of stories.

@atomico/storybook has the define function to infer from its webcomponent created with Atomico the configuration of the argTypes and args for Storybook, example:

import { define } from "@atomico/storybook";
import { MyComponent } from "./my-component";

export default {
    title: "Components/Card",

export const Default = (props)=><MyComponent {...props}/>

@atomico/storybook transforms its component's props into argTypes valid for Storybook.

You can also rewrite all or part of the configuration created by @atomico/storybook by giving the function define a second argument, example:

export default {
  title: "Components/Card",
  ...define(MyComponent, {
    argTypes: {
      message: {
        // Opcional, define la categoria para la tabla.
        category: "Internals",
        description: "Define un mensaje para el componente",
      checked: {
        control: "radio",
        options: ["Show", "Hide"],

You can use the spread operator according to the storybook configuration.

  • Storybook 6.* webpack 4 + Vite, does not support the spread operator in the default export of your story.

  • Storybook 7.* + Vite, if it supports the spread operator in its story.

  • Storybook 8.* + Vite, if it supports the spread operator in its story.

Last updated

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