
Atomico's virtualDOM is designed to enhance the use of webcomponents.



import { c } from "atomico";

function component() {
  const handlerClick = () => console.log("click!");
  return (
    <host shadowDom onclick={handlerClick}>

customElements.define("my-component", c(component));

Atomico supports jsx-runtime, alternatively you can import the h function to declare manual of the JSX pragma, eg:

/**@jsx h*/
import { h } from "atomico";

Template String

Atomico supports the use of template-string thanks to the use of the package htm.

import { c } from "atomico";
import html from "atomico/html";

function component() {
  const handlerClick = () => console.log("click!");
  return html`<host shadowDom onclick=${handlerClick}>

customElements.define("my-component", c(component));

Return rule

function component() {
  // The webcomponent should always return the host tag
  return <host></host>;

An important rule of Atomico's virtualDOM is that every webcomponent must return the <host/> tag since it represents the state of the webcomponent's DOM, such as:

  1. Enable the use of the shadowDOM by declaring the shadowDom property.

  2. Association of events, attributes or properties.

  3. Template of the webcomponent.


Event Association

Atomico considers that a property must be associated as an event if it is of the function type and begins with the prefix 'on', eg:

<host onclick={() => console.log("click!")}></host>;
<host onMyEvent={() => console.log("MyEvent!")}></host>;
<input oninput={() => console.log("click!")} />;
<slot onslotchange={() => console.log("update slot!")} />;

Simple lists

  {[1, 2, 3].map((value) => (

Lists with keys

  {[1, 2, 3].map((value) => (
    <span key={value}>{value}</span>

the key property can receive values of the type of any type that allows generating a reference to the node, eg:

  {listaInmutable.map((objeto) => (
    <span key={objeto}>{objeto.value}</span>

Node references

A technique inherited from React, it allows obtaining the reference of the node to which the Ref object is associated through the ref property, example:

const ref = useRef();

<host ref={ref}></host>; // The reference will be the instance 
                         // of the custom Element

<input ref={ref}/>; // The reference will be the input

The references must be immutable objects, to create it there is the useRef hook that creates a reference for each instance of the webcomponent.

shadowDom property

This property allows you to declare the use of the shadowDom, eg:

<host shadowDom></host>;
// The use of shadow Dom is not exclusive to the host tag
// can be used for any node that supports it
<div shadowDom></div>;

Method association

You can declare a method by declaring a function in the host tag without using the prefix on in its name, eg:

// Template
<host myMethod={() => console.log("method!")}></host>;
// Use from the DOM

If when creating or updating the DOM it does not detect the use of the property, it will be associated as a method of this, thus allowing it to be accessed from the DOM, eg:

const myElement = new MyElement();

await myElement.updated;


To access the DOM safely wait for the resolution of the updated property created by the render cycle.

Last updated