useEffect, useLayoutEffect and useInsertionEffect

Allows to run side effects after rendering


useEffect(effectCallback, optionalArgumentList);

Where :

  1. effectCallback : Function that is executed one or more times according to optionalArgumentList,effectCallback can return a function that will be executed only if effectCallback is executed again or the webcomponent is unmounted.

  2. optionalArgumentList: Array of arguments that controls the execution of effectCallback, if an argument ofoptionalArgumentList changes it will trigger that effectCallback is executed again without first cleaning the effects subscribed by the previous execution.


const listenerClickWindow = () => {
  const handlerClick = () => {
    console.log("Click window!");

  window.addEventListener("click", handlerClick);

  const unlistenerClickWindow = () =>
    window.removeEventListener("click", handlerClick);

  return unlistenerClickWindow;

useEffect(listenerClickWindow, []);


useLayoutEffect replicates the logic of useEffect but with synchronous execution after rendering.


useLayoutEffect replicates the logic of useEffect but with synchronous execution before rendering.

Last updated