
A micro library inspired by React Hooks, designed and optimized for the creation of webcomponents.

import { c } from "atomico"; // 2.5kB

const MyComponent = c(
  ()=><host shadowDom>Hello, {name}</host>,
    props: { name: String }

customElements.define("my-component", c(component));

Atomico simplifies learning, workflow and maintenance when creating webcomponents and achieves it with:

  1. Scalable and reusable interfaces: with Atomico the code is simpler and you can apply practices that facilitate the reuse of your code.

  2. Open communication: with Atomico you can communicate states by events, properties or methods.

  3. Agnostic: your custom Element will work in any web-compatible library, eg React, Vue, Svelte or Angular.

  4. Performance: Atomico has a comparative performance at Svelte levels, winning the third position in performance according to webcomponents.dev in a comparison of 55 libraries among which is React, Vue, Stencil and Lit.



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